Contig ID Contig-U15526-1
Contig update 2004. 6.11
Contig sequence
>Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U15526-1Q.Seq.d

Gap gap included
Contig length 1444
Chromosome number (1..6, M) 6
Chromosome length 3595308
Start point 94056
End point 92613
Number of clones 16
Number of EST 28
Link to clone list U15526
List of clone(s)

Translated Amino Acid sequence


Translated Amino Acid sequence (All Frames)
Frame A:


Frame B:


Frame C:


own update 2004. 6.23
Homology vs CSM-cDNA
Query= Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q)
(1454 letters)

Database: CSM
8402 sequences; 8,075,542 total letters

Score E
Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value

Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 2738 0.0
Contig-U14919-1 (Contig-U14919-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 182 1e-45
Contig-U06445-1 (Contig-U06445-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 40 0.009
Contig-U15751-1 (Contig-U15751-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 38 0.037
Contig-U16497-1 (Contig-U16497-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15
Contig-U16015-1 (Contig-U16015-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15
Contig-U13724-1 (Contig-U13724-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15
Contig-U12138-1 (Contig-U12138-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15
Contig-U11411-1 (Contig-U11411-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15
Contig-U09338-1 (Contig-U09338-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Conti... 36 0.15

>Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U15526-1Q.Seq.d
Length = 1454

Score = 2738 bits (1381), Expect = 0.0
Identities = 1431/1441 (99%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1 agtcgattcaatttgttgtttgttgtttggttgtgtataaatagaatagaataaaatatg 60
Sbjct: 1 agtcgattcaatttgttgtttgttgtttggttgtgtataaatagaatagaataaaatatg 60

Query: 61 ttaaagtcattatccaaacttacaccctcaattagaggagtggtttcaataaacagaagt 120
Sbjct: 61 ttaaagtcattatccaaacttacaccctcaattagaggagtggtttcaataaacagaagt 120

Query: 121 ttttgcaccaaaaaattcttacctacaaatagatcagtcagtgaatcagatccagagatt 180
Sbjct: 121 ttttgcaccaaaaaattcttacctacaaatagatcagtcagtgaatcagatccagagatt 180

Query: 181 tatgatttaatgatgaaagagaaacaaagacaatttacaggtttagaattaattgcttct 240
Sbjct: 181 tatgatttaatgatgaaagagaaacaaagacaatttacaggtttagaattaattgcttct 240

Query: 241 gaaaattttacatctagagcagttatggaatcaattggatcatgttttacaaataaatat 300
Sbjct: 241 gaaaattttacatctagagcagttatggaatcaattggatcatgttttacaaataaatat 300

Query: 301 gcagagggtttaccaggtgcaagatattatggtggtaatgaagttgttgatcaattagag 360
Sbjct: 301 gcagagggtttaccaggtgcaagatattatggtggtaatgaagttgttgatcaattagag 360

Query: 361 aatttatgtattaaaagagcattggaaacatttaatttaaatccagaagaatggggtgta 420
Sbjct: 361 aatttatgtattaaaagagcattggaaacatttaatttaaatccagaagaatggggtgta 420

Query: 421 aatgtacaaccatatagtggcagtactgctaattttgctgctttcactggtttattaaaa 480
Sbjct: 421 aatgtacaaccatatagtggcagtactgctaattttgctgctttcactggtttattaaaa 480

Query: 481 ccacatgatcgtataatgggtttagatttaccatctggtggtcatttaacacatggttat 540
Sbjct: 481 ccacatgatcgtataatgggtttagatttaccatctggtggtcatttaacacatggttat 540

Query: 541 caaacagatnnnnnnnnnnttagtgcaactagtattttctttgaatcaatgccatatcaa 600
||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 541 caaacagataaaaaaaaaattagtgcaactagtattttctttgaatcaatgccatatcaa 600

Query: 601 gttaatgaaacaggttatgtagattataataagatggaggcaaatgcagcattatttaga 660
Sbjct: 601 gttaatgaaacaggttatgtagattataataagatggaggcaaatgcagcattatttaga 660

Query: 661 ccaaaactttnnnnnnnnnnctttgtgatatggcacatattagtggtatggtcgcaggta 720
Sbjct: 661 ccaaaactttnnnnnnnnnnctttgtgatatggcacatattagtggtatggtcgcaggta 720

Query: 721 aacaagcaatttcacctttccttttctgtgatgttgtaaccacaaccacccataaaactt 780
Sbjct: 721 aacaagcaatttcacctttccttttctgtgatgttgtaaccacaaccacccataaaactt 780

Query: 781 taagaggtccacgtgctggtcttatctttttcagaaagactaaacgtagagatgccaaag 840
Sbjct: 781 taagaggtccacgtgctggtcttatctttttcagaaagactaaacgtagagatgccaaag 840

Query: 841 gtaacatcatcgatgatgacctcgaaaatagaattaactttgcagttttcccatcttgtc 900
Sbjct: 841 gtaacatcatcgatgatgacctcgaaaatagaattaactttgcagttttcccatcttgtc 900

Query: 901 aaggtggtccacacgaaaatactatcgctggtattgctgtcgctttgaaggaagcctcat 960
Sbjct: 901 aaggtggtccacacgaaaatactatcgctggtattgctgtcgctttgaaggaagcctcat 960

Query: 961 ctccagatttccaagaatatactaaacaagtcagaagaaactctcaaaccatgggcgaag 1020
Sbjct: 961 ctccagatttccaagaatatactaaacaagtcagaagaaactctcaaaccatgggcgaag 1020

Query: 1021 aactcaaaaagagaggttattcactcgtaaccgaaggtaccgataatcatttagttcttt 1080
Sbjct: 1021 aactcaaaaagagaggttattcactcgtaaccgaaggtaccgataatcatttagttcttt 1080

Query: 1081 gggatcttagaccacaaggtatcactggcagtaaaattgaaaaggcttgtgacgaagctc 1140
Sbjct: 1081 gggatcttagaccacaaggtatcactggcagtaaaattgaaaaggcttgtgacgaagctc 1140

Query: 1141 atatcactgtaaataaaaatgctgtctatggtgatacaaatgcaatcgctcctggtggtg 1200
Sbjct: 1141 atatcactgtaaataaaaatgctgtctatggtgatacaaatgcaatcgctcctggtggtg 1200

Query: 1201 tacgtttaggtgctcctgctctcacaagcagaggtctcaaagaacaagactttgttaaag 1260
Sbjct: 1201 tacgtttaggtgctcctgctctcacaagcagaggtctcaaagaacaagactttgttaaag 1260

Query: 1261 tcgtcgatttcttagatcgtgtcgttaaaatctctttagatatccaatcaaaagttggta 1320
Sbjct: 1261 tcgtcgatttcttagatcgtgtcgttaaaatctctttagatatccaatcaaaagttggta 1320

Query: 1321 agaaaatgccagatttccaaagagcaatcgctgataatcaagatttaaaacaaattagac 1380
Sbjct: 1321 agaaaatgccagatttccaaagagcaatcgctgataatcaagatttaaaacaaattagac 1380

Query: 1381 aagaagttaaagaattctctactaaatttggtatgccaggtgaattataaaataaaataa 1440
Sbjct: 1381 aagaagttaaagaattctctactaaatttggtatgccaggtgaattataaaataaaataa 1440

Query: 1441 t 1441
Sbjct: 1441 t 1441

>Contig-U14919-1 (Contig-U14919-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U14919-1Q.Seq.d
Length = 1539

Score = 182 bits (92), Expect = 1e-45
Identities = 137/152 (90%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 208 agacaatttacaggtttagaattaattgcttctgaaaattttacatctagagcagttatg 267
|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 148 agacaatttaaaggtttagaattaattgcctctgaaaattttacatcaagagcagttatg 207

Query: 268 gaatcaattggatcatgttttacaaataaatatgcagagggtttaccaggtgcaagatat 327
||| || | |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||| |||| |||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 208 gaagcattaggatcacattttacaaataaatatgcagaaggttatccaggttcaagatat 267

Query: 328 tatggtggtaatgaagttgttgatcaattaga 359
|||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 268 tatggtggtacagaagttgttgatgaattaga 299

Score = 127 bits (64), Expect = 5e-29
Identities = 118/136 (86%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 410 aatggggtgtaaatgtacaaccatatagtggcagtactgctaattttgctgctttcactg 469
|||||||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| ||| | || ||||| || | || ||| |
Sbjct: 350 aatggggtgttaatgttcaaccatacagtggtagtccagccaatttcgcagtttacacag 409

Query: 470 gtttattaaaaccacatgatcgtataatgggtttagatttaccatctggtggtcatttaa 529
||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 410 cattattaagaccacacgatcgtataatgggtttagatttaccatcaggtggtcatttaa 469

Query: 530 cacatggttatcaaac 545
| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 470 ctcatggttatcaaac 485

Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-07
Identities = 78/95 (82%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1141 atatcactgtaaataaaaatgctgtctatggtgatacaaatgcaatcgctcctggtggtg 1200
||||||| || ||||||||||| ||| |||||||||| |||||||| | || ||||||
Sbjct: 1159 atatcaccgtcaataaaaatgccgtccatggtgataccaatgcaatttcaccaggtggta 1218

Query: 1201 tacgtttaggtgctcctgctctcacaagcagaggt 1235
| ||| | ||| | ||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 1219 ttcgtattggttcatctgctctcacaagtagaggt 1253

Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 4e-05
Identities = 42/48 (87%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 747 tgtgatgttgtaaccacaaccacccataaaactttaagaggtccacgt 794
||||||||||| |||| ||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 761 tgtgatgttgtcaccagtaccactcataaaaccttaagaggaccacgt 808

Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 2e-04
Identities = 50/59 (84%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 882 gcagttttcccatcttgtcaaggtggtccacacgaaaatactatcgctggtattgctgt 940
|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||| ||| |||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 900 gcagttttcccatcactccaaggtggtccacatgaaaatgttattgctggtgttgctgt 958

Score = 36.2 bits (18), Expect = 0.15
Identities = 18/18 (100%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 583 gaatcaatgccatatcaa 600
Sbjct: 523 gaatcaatgccatatcaa 540

Score = 32.2 bits (16), Expect = 2.3
Identities = 19/20 (95%)
Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1381 aagaagttaaagaattctct 1400
|||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 1399 aagaagttgaagaattctct 1418

>Contig-U06445-1 (Contig-U06445-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U06445-1Q.Seq.d
Length = 243

Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 0.009
Identities = 20/20 (100%)
Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1421 tgaattataaaataaaataa 1440
Sbjct: 52 tgaattataaaataaaataa 33

Database: CSM
Posted date: Jun 21, 2004 1:35 PM
Number of letters in database: 8,075,542
Number of sequences in database: 8402

Lambda K H
1.37 0.711 1.31

Lambda K H
1.37 0.711 1.31

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Hits to DB: 24,883
Number of Sequences: 8402
Number of extensions: 24883
Number of successful extensions: 3447
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 332
length of query: 1454
length of database: 8,075,542
effective HSP length: 16
effective length of query: 1438
effective length of database: 7,941,110
effective search space: 11419316180
effective search space used: 11419316180
T: 0
A: 40
X1: 6 (11.9 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 15 (30.2 bits)
dna update 2009. 1.31
Homology vs DNA
Query= Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U15526-1Q.Seq.d
(1454 letters)

Database: ddbj_B
98,226,423 sequences; 98,766,808,389 total letters


Score E
Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value N

(BJ346517) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda24n05, 3' ... 1433 0.0 2
(BJ340493) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda2i12, 3' e... 1417 0.0 3
(BJ346624) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda24c14, 3' ... 1415 0.0 1
(AU284994) Dictyostelium discoideum gamete cDNA clone:FC-BS1... 1388 0.0 1
(BJ342160) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda9b19, 3' e... 1382 0.0 2
(BJ340789) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda3i23, 3' e... 1368 0.0 1
(BJ346290) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda30p09, 3' ... 1296 0.0 1
(BJ355432) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda57f04, 3' ... 1261 0.0 1
(BJ340889) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4d10, 3' e... 1251 0.0 2
(BJ342692) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1n01, 3' e... 1152 0.0 1
(BJ337332) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda57f04, 5' ... 1088 0.0 1
(BJ326045) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda3g15, 5' e... 1088 0.0 2
(BJ325804) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda2i12, 5' e... 1088 0.0 2
(BJ361144) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc9g03, 5' e... 1080 0.0 1
(BJ329307) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda24c14, 5' ... 1080 0.0 1
(BJ329212) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda24n05, 5' ... 1072 0.0 2
(BJ324858) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda8l10, 5' e... 1068 0.0 2
(BJ329014) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda30p09, 5' ... 1066 0.0 2
(BJ414842) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20g18, 5' ... 1063 0.0 2
(BJ432562) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv19f04, 3' ... 1025 0.0 2
(AU284993) Dictyostelium discoideum gamete cDNA clone:FC-BS1... 1017 0.0 2
(BJ344449) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda19h12, 3' ... 963 0.0 2
(BJ340863) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4n03, 3' e... 904 0.0 3
(BJ341842) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda8l10, 3' e... 876 0.0 3
(BJ433038) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20g18, 3' ... 833 0.0 4
(BJ414407) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv19f04, 5' ... 779 0.0 3
(BJ323978) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4n03, 5' e... 779 0.0 3
(BJ324001) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4d10, 5' e... 779 0.0 2
(BJ327148) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda19h12, 5' ... 997 0.0 1
(BJ325112) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda9b19, 5' e... 983 0.0 2
(BJ340729) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda3g15, 3' e... 412 e-110 1
(BJ326782) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda18b03, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ389960) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds20n17, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ326916) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda18b16, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ329796) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda26g11, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ387596) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds3j13, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ414680) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20h01, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ388067) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds7a21, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ388166) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds8p04, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ410417) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv12p07, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ327163) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda19m09, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ323434) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10g14, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ363785) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc28b18, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ411315) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv3j22, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ360587) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6i22, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ324105) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4e21, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ411946) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv6m09, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ362020) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc19c21, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ360433) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6h03, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ325017) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda9b07, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ412796) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv9l20, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ328394) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda28d02, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ413198) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv14f18, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ324268) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda5e13, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ324557) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda6k20, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ324697) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda7d18, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ418461) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv32h20, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ359351) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc14b04, 5' ... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ388020) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds7p11, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ387763) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds4c24, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ411403) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv4d11, 5' e... 182 1e-71 3
(BJ325872) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda2a19, 5' e... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ416530) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv26p15, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ417689) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv28o09, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ388557) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds6l06, 5' e... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ386984) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds11p18, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ330003) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda27e03, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ323389) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10i08, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ417551) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv28a01, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ328071) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda22g21, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(C24611) Dictyostelium discoideum slug cDNA, clone SL-X006. 182 2e-71 3
(BJ359446) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc14a24, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ323609) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda11k11, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ360603) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6n20, 5' e... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ328473) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda28f11, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ390177) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds21m09, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ358926) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc11o24, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ390153) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds21h08, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ414982) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv21f04, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ389474) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds18k22, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ328899) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda30c03, 5' ... 182 2e-71 3
(BJ390064) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds21f02, 5' ... 176 7e-70 3
(BJ329944) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda26g21, 5' ... 174 3e-69 3
(BJ410873) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv2m05, 5' e... 182 3e-69 3
(BJ325565) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1m11, 5' e... 174 3e-69 3
(BJ387708) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds4i11, 5' e... 174 3e-69 3
(BJ323428) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10e14, 5' ... 174 3e-69 3
(BJ417033) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv29n06, 5' ... 182 5e-68 2
(BJ326009) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda3k12, 5' e... 182 5e-68 2
(BJ358522) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc1o22, 5' e... 167 8e-67 3
(BJ416088) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv24m21, 5' ... 182 3e-66 2
(BJ325598) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1f14, 5' e... 115 1e-65 4
(BJ391347) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds13k09, 5' ... 167 3e-63 2
(BJ415618) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv23l02, 5' ... 182 1e-62 2
(BJ391339) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds13h10, 5' ... 149 1e-61 3
(BJ360113) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc4i08, 5' e... 182 2e-61 2
(AU264808) Dictyostelium discoideum vegetative cDNA clone:VS... 182 2e-41 1
(BJ389431) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds18a19, 5' ... 182 2e-41 1
(BJ388530) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds6c02, 5' e... 182 2e-41 1
(BJ326184) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda15i18, 5' ... 182 2e-41 1
(AU266606) Dictyostelium discoideum vegetative cDNA clone:VS... 180 1e-40 1
(BJ417299) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv30k04, 5' ... 115 7e-40 4
(BJ360750) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc7n15, 5' e... 174 6e-39 1
(BJ325713) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1j04, 5' e... 170 9e-38 1
(EH012294) USDA-FP_185208 Lysiphlebus testaceipes adult whol... 60 4e-30 5
(EH014367) USDA-FP_187075 Lysiphlebus testaceipes adult whol... 60 4e-30 5
(BJ359449) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc14b24, 5' ... 145 5e-30 1
(BJ399141) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds4i11, 3' e... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ341178) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda5e13, 3' e... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ340036) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda11k11, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ344122) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda18b16, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ374234) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6h03, 3' e... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ435301) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv26p15, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ430197) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv6m09, 3' e... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ339830) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10g14, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ344280) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda18b03, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ339824) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10e14, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ347174) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda26g11, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ343358) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda22g21, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ434767) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv24m21, 3' ... 52 1e-28 7
(BJ399206) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds4c24, 3' e... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ347417) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda27e03, 3' ... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ399781) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds7p11, 3' e... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ374192) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6n20, 3' e... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ345543) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda28d02, 3' ... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ431548) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv14f18, 3' ... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ375733) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc19c21, 3' ... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ374176) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6i22, 3' e... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ372281) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc11o24, 3' ... 52 2e-28 7
(BJ414672) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20f03, 5' ... 107 3e-27 4
(BJ341491) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda6k20, 3' e... 52 4e-27 6
(EJ391531) 1092963940338 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-28-01-01-1... 92 4e-26 4
(DY889615) CeleSEQ11548 Cunninghamella elegans pBluescript (... 86 9e-26 4
(BJ340696) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda3k12, 3' e... 52 3e-25 6
(BJ346149) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda30c03, 3' ... 52 3e-25 6
(BJ372761) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc14b04, 3' ... 52 4e-25 6
(BJ400450) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds13h10, 3' ... 52 4e-25 6
(BJ372882) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc14a24, 3' ... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ436149) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv30k04, 3' ... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ429043) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv2m05, 3' e... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ373210) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc1o22, 3' e... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ402976) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds18k22, 3' ... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ435971) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv29n06, 3' ... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ399438) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds6c02, 3' e... 52 5e-25 6
(BJ344469) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda19m09, 3' ... 52 6e-25 6
(BJ432853) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20f03, 3' ... 52 7e-25 6
(EC825401) SME00009760 esmbsro2 Sawyeria marylandensis cDNA,... 60 5e-22 5
(EL566201) Physarum14232 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 6e-22 6
(EL572098) Physarum14223 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 9e-22 6
(BJ398267) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds11p18, 3' ... 52 1e-21 5
(EC820661) SME00001968 esmbsro2 Sawyeria marylandensis cDNA,... 60 3e-21 4
(BJ431107) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv9l20, 3' e... 52 9e-21 6
(BJ428572) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv12p07, 3' ... 52 9e-21 6
(BJ402929) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds18a19, 3' ... 52 9e-21 6
(AU075918) Dictyostelium discoideum slug cDNA, clone SSA106. 52 9e-21 6
(BJ347341) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda26g21, 3' ... 52 9e-21 6
(BJ402165) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds20n17, 3' ... 52 1e-20 6
(BJ376579) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc29j05, 3' ... 52 1e-20 6
(BJ345636) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda28f11, 3' ... 52 1e-20 6
(DV160254) KP1B.102L12F.050722T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 2e-20 5
(BJ436986) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv32h20, 3' ... 52 2e-20 6
(FC745209) CBBI14782.fwd CBBI Lottia gigantea 26h,37h,61h La... 58 3e-20 5
(FD450065) EGGA313TF Haematobia irritans eggs Haematobia irr... 60 6e-20 3
(EL567230) Physarum14226 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 9e-20 6
(FH322053) CHO_OF4542xm02f1.ab1 CHO_OF4 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 68 1e-19 3
(ET969115) CHO_OF641xk11f1.ab1 CHO_OF Nicotiana tabacum geno... 68 1e-19 3
(FI045417) CHO_OF6474xh01r1.ab1 CHO_OF6 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 68 1e-19 3
(FG174283) AGN_RNC124xo20f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 68 2e-19 3
(FG143594) AGN_RPC018xe10f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 68 2e-19 3
(FG086706) CMRC-FF-IH0-ace-j-12-0-CMRC.r1 Ceratitis capitata... 72 3e-19 2
(BJ433856) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv23l02, 3' ... 52 4e-19 6
(EB740747) EST00024 Elicitor-treated opium poppy cell cultur... 64 7e-19 4
(FD456670) EGGB924TR Haematobia irritans eggs Haematobia irr... 60 3e-18 3
(FE967756) PLATE_T3_041_F10_03DEC2004_070 Opium poppy elicit... 64 3e-18 4
(FD456808) EGGBA09TR Haematobia irritans eggs Haematobia irr... 60 4e-18 3
(BJ399010) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds3j13, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ432861) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv20h01, 3' ... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ435707) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv28a01, 3' ... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ341639) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda7d18, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ399847) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds7a21, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ342781) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1f14, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ339782) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda10i08, 3' ... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ374411) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc7n15, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(AU264809) Dictyostelium discoideum vegetative cDNA clone:VS... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ373660) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc4i08, 3' e... 52 2e-17 5
(BJ433195) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv21f04, 3' ... 52 3e-17 5
(BJ400463) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds13k09, 3' ... 52 3e-17 5
(BJ399477) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds6l06, 3' e... 52 3e-17 5
(BJ341012) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda4e21, 3' e... 52 3e-17 5
(FG184533) AGN_PNL208bf1_d10.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana t... 72 5e-17 4
(FG169386) AGN_RNC004xl16f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 70 9e-17 4
(FG139524) AGN_ELP024xf13f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-17 4
(BJ429537) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv3j22, 3' e... 52 9e-17 5
(DT737972) EST1171821 Aquilegia cDNA library Aquilegia formo... 76 2e-16 4
(EJ588667) 1092961036144 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-29-01-01-1... 44 3e-16 5
(DR912974) EST1104513 Aquilegia cDNA library Aquilegia formo... 76 3e-16 4
(BJ399965) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dds8p04, 3' e... 46 6e-16 5
(AR548230) Sequence 3361 from patent US 6747137. 48 9e-16 6
(EY475951) METAL95TF JCVI-MT3 Medicago truncatula cDNA 5', m... 56 9e-16 4
(BJ342746) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1m11, 3' e... 52 1e-15 5
(CB892119) EST649088 KV3 Medicago truncatula cDNA clone KV3-... 56 1e-15 4
(CV298075) EST886534 petunia floral post-pollination cDNA li... 82 1e-15 3
(FG142695) AGN_RPC021xb17f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 66 1e-15 4
(BJ374233) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc6h02, 3' e... 46 2e-15 5
(FH236243) CHO_OF3432xe09r1.ab1 CHO_OF3 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 68 2e-15 2
(ET969178) CHO_OF641xk11r1.ab1 CHO_OF Nicotiana tabacum geno... 68 2e-15 2
(AF009966) Candida albicans serine hydroxymethyl transferase... 48 3e-15 6
(BG586149) EST487914 MHAM Medicago truncatula/Glomus versifo... 54 4e-15 4
(FG146748) AGN_RPC008xj05f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 4e-15 4
(FG164124) AGN_RNC013xg06f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 5e-15 4
(EL568557) Physarum14235 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 8e-15 5
(EL572861) Physarum04991 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 8e-15 5
(EL573606) Physarum14227 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 9e-15 5
(EL575299) Physarum14228 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 9e-15 5
(EL571419) Physarum14224 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 1e-14 5
(EL574183) Physarum14231 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 1e-14 5
(EB450673) KT7C.108G09F.051219T7 KT7 Nicotiana tabacum cDNA ... 68 2e-14 3
(GE359411) 292280022 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 3e-14 7
(GE358759) 292278339 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 3e-14 7
(GE354968) 289191551 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 4e-14 7
(GE398844) 293784466 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 4e-14 7
(FH062597) CHO_OF3594xb22f1.ab1 CHO_OF3 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 72 4e-14 3
(GE449200) 294584436 Nasonia vitripennis Adult Female Nasoni... 36 4e-14 7
(GE383366) 293410000 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 4e-14 7
(FG153266) AGN_RNC106xb13f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 4e-14 4
(DT663097) He_wd2a1_82C03_M13R Heliconius erato wing disk 2 ... 50 5e-14 5
(FG136962) AGN_ELP006xh23f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 5e-14 4
(FG136757) AGN_ELP006xa01f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 5e-14 3
(FG142580) AGN_RPC021xm03f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 6e-14 4
(GE354133) 289176191 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 6e-14 7
(FG167665) AGN_RNC007xd08f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 6e-14 4
(FG198379) AGN_PNL227bf1_b12.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana t... 72 7e-14 3
(EB440366) KN6B.106B05F.060104T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 7e-14 3
(EB427578) KF8C.110H02F.051216T7 KF8 Nicotiana tabacum cDNA ... 72 7e-14 3
(FG149794) AGN_RNC115xn12f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 7e-14 3
(FG196605) AGN_PNL224df1_e5.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 72 7e-14 3
(FG194766) AGN_PNL222bf1_d7.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 72 7e-14 3
(EH621130) CHO_SL008xd24f1.ab1 CHO_SL Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 7e-14 3
(EB442233) KN6B.113I03F.060127T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 8e-14 3
(FG165094) AGN_RNC011xm05f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(EB441589) KN6B.109J17F.060106T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 8e-14 3
(FG197450) AGN_PNL226af1_a7.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 72 8e-14 3
(FG174871) AGN_RNC123xb11f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(EB682857) KP1B.113P17F.060117T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 8e-14 3
(FG151654) AGN_RNC109xk17f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(EB441153) KN6B.108F21F.060106T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 8e-14 3
(EH615421) EST_FLW001xn23f1.ab1 EST_FLW Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(FG162049) AGN_RNC017xh23f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(EB441960) KN6B.110K20F.060106T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 8e-14 3
(FG136637) AGN_ELP007xh05f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 8e-14 3
(EB681999) KP1B.111D09F.060116T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 9e-14 3
(FG161608) AGN_RNC018xb14f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(EH621136) CHO_SL008xf16f1.ab1 CHO_SL Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 9e-14 3
(FG140946) AGN_RPC027xg07f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(EB445040) KR2B.105N20F.051227T7 KR2B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 9e-14 3
(EB440511) KN6B.106H24F.060104T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 9e-14 3
(FG139378) AGN_ELP024xi23f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG161516) AGN_RNC018xn11f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG164274) AGN_RNC013xj01f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG161089) AGN_RNC019xl02f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG147141) AGN_RPC006xi09f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(EE118482) G709P555RG8.T0 Acorn worm normalized neurula pExp... 50 9e-14 5
(FG147374) AGN_RPC006xl02f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG140959) AGN_RPC027xi11f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(EB427967) KF8B.100L11F.051010T7 KF8 Nicotiana tabacum cDNA ... 72 9e-14 3
(DV161612) KP1B.108K13F.050726T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 72 9e-14 3
(FG160071) AGN_RNC020xm01f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 9e-14 3
(FG159143) AGN_RNC022xa08f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 1e-13 3
(FG163447) AGN_RNC014xi21f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 1e-13 3
(CN554900) tae30d10.y1 Hydra EST Darmstadt I Hydra magnipapi... 48 3e-13 4
(BG456756) NF096C12PL1F1088 Phosphate starved leaf Medicago ... 50 4e-13 4
(FD465329) LARWB04TR Haematobia irritans 1st Instar Larvae H... 60 4e-13 2
(CZ287824) cp54g09.r Candida parapsilosis Random Genomic Lib... 64 1e-12 3
(CK263995) EST710073 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 62 2e-12 3
(C25508) Dictyostelium discoideum slug cDNA, clone SLA230. 52 2e-12 4
(GE357609) 292274691 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 2e-12 6
(FC753658) CBBI7489.rev CBBI Lottia gigantea 26h,37h,61h Lar... 52 2e-12 4
(CV293674) EST882051 petunia floral post-ethylene cDNA libra... 82 2e-12 2
(GE433116) 294536775 Nasonia vitripennis Adult Male Nasonia ... 36 3e-12 6
(GE397707) 293782126 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 3e-12 6
(GE464996) 294761209 Nasonia vitripennis Adult Female Nasoni... 36 3e-12 6
(EK157423) 1095458011341 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 52 3e-12 3
(FG142882) AGN_RPC020xe07f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 54 3e-12 4
(CX832146) ACAC-aaa49h04.g1 Hydra EST UCI 7 Hydra magnipapil... 54 3e-12 3
(EH432083) NPE00000905 Neocallimastix patriciarum ZAP II cDN... 58 3e-12 3
(GE404650) 293793169 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 3e-12 6
(FG202415) AGN_PNL232df1_h7.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 3e-12 3
(FG187441) AGN_PNL212bf1_a3.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 3e-12 3
(FG176437) AGN_RNC120xd01f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 4e-12 3
(FG136602) AGN_ELP007xo18f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 4e-12 3
(FG145209) AGN_RPC013xh01f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 5e-12 3
(FG145867) AGN_RPC011xl07f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 5e-12 3
(FG144408) AGN_RPC015xg13f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 5e-12 3
(EL601773) He_pwd_0133C09_M13R Heliconius erato pooled wing ... 50 5e-12 5
(AI960890) sc92a10.y1 Gm-c1019 Glycine max cDNA clone GENOME... 62 6e-12 3
(CZ533583) SRAA-aac86a08.g1 Strongyloides ratti whole genome... 52 6e-12 2
(EC760784) PSE00007663 rw_mgpallid Polysphondylium pallidum ... 78 7e-12 2
(AK285692) Glycine max cDNA, clone: GMFL01-14-M16. 62 7e-12 4
(BI418085) LjNEST24d6r Lotus japonicus nodule library 5 and ... 74 9e-12 2
(CS497744) Sequence 17 from Patent WO2007011736. 62 9e-12 4
(EK259659) 1095462100993 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 74 1e-11 2
(FG149604) AGN_RNC115xd17f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 1e-11 3
(FG167783) AGN_RNC006xa05f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 1e-11 3
(EL600524) He_pwd_0217H12_M13R Heliconius erato pooled wing ... 48 1e-11 5
(EV265069) GLLAQ07TF JCVI-SOY1 Glycine max cDNA 5', mRNA seq... 62 2e-11 3
(FG989225) GLLCQ87TF JCVI-SOY1 Glycine max cDNA 5', mRNA seq... 62 2e-11 3
(BW658612) Glycine max cDNA clone: GMFL01-14-M16, 5'end, sim... 62 2e-11 3
(CK296333) EST759047 Nicotiana benthamiana mixed tissue cDNA... 64 2e-11 3
(EX534144) NBT103_2007-07-12/NBT103_C01_006_1 Nicotiana bent... 64 2e-11 3
(EX533843) NBT098_2007-07-12/NBT098_D06_021_1 Nicotiana bent... 64 2e-11 3
(FG165345) AGN_RNC011xh23f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 3e-11 2
(CV298153) EST886612 petunia floral post-pollination cDNA li... 82 3e-11 2
(BJ376433) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddc28b18, 3' ... 52 3e-11 4
(CV298271) EST886730 petunia floral post-pollination cDNA li... 82 4e-11 2
(CV298704) EST887163 petunia floral post-pollination cDNA li... 82 4e-11 2
(CZ289187) cp62f03.r Candida parapsilosis Random Genomic Lib... 82 4e-11 2
(EJ358506) 1092963676079 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-28-01-01-1... 66 5e-11 2
(EH615756) EST_FLW002xl22f1.ab1 EST_FLW Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 5e-11 3
(FG132690) AGN_ELP019xg17f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 6e-11 3
(FC689346) CAXX20605.fwd CAXX Lottia gigantea from male gona... 58 6e-11 4
(CV293822) EST882199 petunia floral post-ethylene cDNA libra... 82 7e-11 1
(AK244063) Glycine max cDNA, clone: GMFL01-01-P23. 62 8e-11 3
(DV613610) EST1216606 Glossina morsitans morsitans Fat body ... 64 8e-11 3
(DV611222) EST1214218 Glossina morsitans morsitans Fat body ... 64 8e-11 3
(CN552952) tae42d10.y1 Hydra EST Darmstadt I Hydra magnipapi... 48 1e-10 3
(GE379156) 292347418 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 1e-10 6
(BG598873) EST503773 cSTS Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone cSTS2... 48 1e-10 3
(AK244285) Glycine max cDNA, clone: GMFL01-02-J13. 62 1e-10 3
(GE408222) 293802134 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 2e-10 6
(EL569472) Physarum14234 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 2e-10 4
(BP906921) Solanum lycopersicum cDNA, clone: LC06AB08, 5' en... 62 3e-10 3
(EX534241) NBT104_2007-07-10/NBT104_H08_025_1 Nicotiana bent... 64 3e-10 3
(EH614868) EST_CSP003xj19f1.ab1 EST_CSP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 4e-10 2
(BQ091175) ku13g11.y1 Strongyloides ratti L2 pAMP1 v1 Chiape... 52 4e-10 2
(AW032773) EST276332 tomato callus, TAMU Solanum lycopersicu... 62 5e-10 3
(CV017773) tbt_009554 Normalized Nicotiana tabacum cDNA libr... 72 5e-10 2
(AW737947) EST339374 tomato flower buds, anthesis, Cornell U... 62 5e-10 3
(FG187499) AGN_PNL212bf1_f2.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 72 6e-10 2
(EH615749) EST_FLW002xl06f1.ab1 EST_FLW Nicotiana tabacum cD... 72 6e-10 2
(FG182501) AGN_PNL205cf1_a9.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 72 6e-10 2
(FG199828) AGN_PNL229bf1_b8.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 60 6e-10 2
(BI931962) EST551851 tomato flower, 8 mm to preanthesis buds... 62 6e-10 3
(BI925792) EST545681 tomato flower, buds 0-3 mm Solanum lyco... 62 6e-10 3
(AW931576) EST357419 tomato fruit mature green, TAMU Solanum... 62 6e-10 3
(BI935304) EST555193 tomato flower, anthesis Solanum lycoper... 62 6e-10 3
(FH138864) CHO_OF3689xd23f1.ab1 CHO_OF3 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 60 7e-10 2
(BI927367) EST547256 tomato flower, 3 - 8 mm buds Solanum ly... 62 7e-10 3
(EH665432) 22B08 Transformed tobacco Lambda Zap II library N... 72 7e-10 2
(BI924147) EST544036 tomato flower, buds 0-3 mm Solanum lyco... 62 7e-10 3
(BW690323) Solanum lycopersicum cDNA, clone: FC18BA11, 5' en... 62 7e-10 3
(EB448955) KT7C.101H13F.051216T7 KT7 Nicotiana tabacum cDNA ... 56 8e-10 3
(EL602746) He_pwd_0130C01_M13R Heliconius erato pooled wing ... 50 8e-10 4
(FE966060) PLATE_T3_023_D02_02DEC2004_010 Opium poppy elicit... 46 1e-09 4
(GE403702) 293791550 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 1e-09 5
(EK095995) 1092962035504 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 66 1e-09 2
(AC226823) Solanum lycopersicum chromosome 5 clone C05HBa006... 62 2e-09 8
(EV435338) 35013_419 Quinqueloculina sp. cDNA library Quinqu... 62 2e-09 3
(BJ435801) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv28o09, 3' ... 52 2e-09 3
(EK124829) 1092973801655 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 44 2e-09 4
(FG185855) AGN_PNL210af1_g12.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana t... 64 2e-09 2
(FF625033) G825P5312RF1.T0 Acorn worm normalized gastrula pE... 50 2e-09 4
(FG198530) AGN_PNL227br1_g6.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 2e-09 2
(FG200741) AGN_PNL230cf1_b3.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 2e-09 2
(FG151780) AGN_RNC109xm06f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 2e-09 2
(DY446934) HSAA-aaa23b09.g1 UCI-11 Hydra vulgaris cDNA 5' si... 54 2e-09 3
(FG150713) AGN_RNC112xl17f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 2e-09 2
(FG156859) AGN_RNC027xp08f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 2e-09 2
(EH621862) CHO_SL027xm15f1.ab1 CHO_SL Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 2e-09 2
(FG201533) AGN_PNL231cf1_h6.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 2e-09 2
(FG201275) AGN_PNL231bf1_a7.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 2e-09 2
(EE113217) G50P6038RA1.T0 Acorn worm gastrula/neurula pCMVSp... 50 2e-09 4
(FG175037) AGN_RNC123xl16f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 2e-09 2
(EB442132) KN6B.113D08F.060127T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(EB440820) KN6B.107G12F.060106T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(EB448739) KT7B.114N18F.060127T7 KT7 Nicotiana tabacum cDNA ... 64 3e-09 2
(FG170537) AGN_RNC001xa17f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(EB681940) KP1B.111A12F.060116T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(EB682095) KP1B.111I05F.060116T7 KP1B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(FG148398) AGN_RPC002xk02f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(FG165505) AGN_RNC011xp12f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(FG136870) AGN_ELP006xg10f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(EB680168) KL4B.106F08F.051125T7 KL4B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(FG167368) AGN_RNC007xa24f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(EB438236) KN6B.100D14F.051019T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(DW001023) KL4B.109N06F.051108T7 KL4B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(EB443038) KN6B.115O14F.060127T7 KN6B Nicotiana tabacum cDNA... 64 3e-09 2
(FG143349) AGN_RPC019xf17f1.ab1 AGN_RPC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(FG158790) AGN_RNC023xj01f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(FG133578) AGN_ELP017xj08f1.ab1 AGN_ELP Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(FG159429) AGN_RNC022xh14f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 3e-09 2
(GE397225) 293782006 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 3e-09 5
(DN906032) 32539.3 In vitro Root Solanum tuberosum cDNA clon... 48 3e-09 3
(BJ342681) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda1j04, 3' e... 52 3e-09 3
(EE114895) G613P6214RG6.T0 Acorn worm blastula/gastrula pCMV... 50 4e-09 4
(EE119100) G710P5209RC9.T0 Acorn worm normalized juvenile pE... 50 4e-09 4
(BJ429629) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:ddv4d11, 3' e... 52 4e-09 3
(DV620811) EST1223807 Glossina morsitans morsitans Fat body ... 64 4e-09 3
(EE120526) G710P5322RE2.T0 Acorn worm normalized juvenile pE... 50 4e-09 4
(BG097070) EST461589 potato leaves and petioles Solanum tube... 62 5e-09 2
(BP897268) Solanum lycopersicum cDNA, clone: LA13AB04, 5' en... 62 6e-09 2
(BG351004) 099G08 Mature tuber lambda ZAP Solanum tuberosum ... 62 8e-09 2
(BI932842) EST552731 tomato flower, 8 mm to preanthesis buds... 62 8e-09 3
(DB682375) Solanum lycopersicum cDNA, clone: LEFL1013BE01, 5... 62 9e-09 2
(EB698493) NecGex_349A11 Ornamental tobacco (LxS8) post-fert... 64 9e-09 2
(BG599311) EST504211 cSTS Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone cSTS2... 62 9e-09 2
(CK275996) EST722074 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 62 1e-08 2
(GE407420) 293798945 Nasonia vitripennis Female Pupae Nasoni... 36 1e-08 5
(CK272831) EST718909 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 62 1e-08 2
(CK269870) EST715948 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 62 1e-08 2
(EX534067) NBT102_2007-07-10/NBT102_A03_016_1 Nicotiana bent... 64 1e-08 2
(CK241453) rx29g02.y1 Meloidogyne paranaensis egg SL1 pGEM M... 34 1e-08 6
(BW626191) Lotus japonicus cDNA, clone: LjFL2-014-BF11, 5' e... 74 2e-08 1
(EL426326) CHCM5781.b1_I05.ab1 CHC(LMS) Texas blueweed Helia... 34 2e-08 5
(CJ369225) Molgula tectiformis cDNA, gastrula/neurula clone:... 44 2e-08 3
(DY965552) CLSM16779.b1_E20.ab1 CLS(LMS) lettuce sativa Lact... 40 2e-08 4
(DY984548) CLSS7823.b1_N11.ab1 CLS(LMS) lettuce sativa Lactu... 40 2e-08 4
(EJ200133) 1092344291154 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-27-01-01-1... 36 2e-08 5
(EA072755) Sequence 113 from patent US 7183083. 42 2e-08 5
(CS497838) Sequence 111 from Patent WO2007011736. 42 2e-08 5
(AR886452) Sequence 113 from patent US 7060458. 42 2e-08 5
(CJ334758) Molgula tectiformis cDNA, embryo just before hatc... 44 2e-08 3
(AF009965) Candida albicans serine hydroxymethyl-transferase... 44 3e-08 4
(EH431589) NPE00000165 Neocallimastix patriciarum ZAP II cDN... 58 3e-08 2
(CJ397135) Molgula tectiformis cDNA, gonad clone:mtgd030f14,... 46 3e-08 3
(FG183982) AGN_PNL207cf1_c9.trimmed.seq AGN_PNL Nicotiana ta... 64 3e-08 2
(FC812488) Sr_pASP6_011a11_SP6 S. ratti mixed stage pAMP Str... 52 3e-08 2
(FG994444) GLLED93TF JCVI-SOY1 Glycine max cDNA 5', mRNA seq... 62 4e-08 2
(EC754638) PPE00007495 Agencourt Biosciences Agen-0020 Non-n... 46 8e-08 2
(BQ583344) E011980-024-005-N20-SP6 MPIZ-ADIS-024-inflorescen... 52 1e-07 2
(EK376453) 1095469442592 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 38 1e-07 4
(FG171228) AGN_RNC101xi10f1.ab1 AGN_RNC Nicotiana tabacum cD... 64 1e-07 2
(BI928362) EST548251 tomato flower, 3 - 8 mm buds Solanum ly... 62 1e-07 3
(BI927966) EST547843 tomato flower, 3 - 8 mm buds Solanum ly... 62 1e-07 3
(BI933138) EST553027 tomato flower, 8 mm to preanthesis buds... 62 1e-07 3
(FH033297) CHO_OF3262xc11r1.ab1 CHO_OF3 Nicotiana tabacum ge... 58 1e-07 2
(CX699391) 85946.1 Stolon Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone 85946... 48 2e-07 3
(DW139058) CLSY6773.b1_I14.ab1 CLS(XYZ) lettuce sativa Lactu... 54 2e-07 3
(DW138606) CLSY6350.b2_K04.ab1 CLS(XYZ) lettuce sativa Lactu... 54 2e-07 3
(DT616789) ACAH-aaa91a08.g1 Hydra_EST_UCI-10 Hydra magnipapi... 36 2e-07 5
(CJ347613) Molgula tectiformis cDNA, cleaving embryo clone:m... 42 3e-07 3
(EL566121) Physarum07993 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 42 4e-07 6
(EF150637) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxymethyltransfera... 38 4e-07 5
(CX634282) taj48f08.y3 Hydra EST UCI 5 Hydra magnipapillata ... 36 4e-07 5
(DT613284) ACAG-aaa85a10.g1 Hydra_EST_UCI-9 Hydra magnipapil... 36 5e-07 5
(FC818144) Sr_pAMT7_011a11_T7 S. ratti mixed stage pAMP Stro... 52 5e-07 2
(DT616240) ACAH-aaa64c12.g1 Hydra_EST_UCI-10 Hydra magnipapi... 36 5e-07 5
(DV609463) EST1212459 Glossina morsitans morsitans Fat body ... 64 6e-07 2
(DV607060) EST1210056 Glossina morsitans morsitans Fat body ... 64 6e-07 2
(AF195023) Plasmodium falciparum SHMT (shmt) mRNA, complete ... 48 6e-07 3
(AR548225) Sequence 3356 from patent US 6747137. 44 6e-07 3
(EJ746256) 1092962264911 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-30-02-01-1... 46 6e-07 3
(AL408772) T7 end of clone AV0AA010F02 of library AV0AA from... 48 7e-07 2
(EJ776878) 1093006404220 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-30-02-01-1... 46 7e-07 3
(DB996483) Quercus mongolica subsp. crispula mRNA, clone: Qm... 68 1e-06 1
(EJ494211) 1095403562447 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-28-01-01-1... 62 1e-06 2
(FE671619) mh1_0007_F06 Drought-stressed chickpea leave libr... 66 2e-06 2
(EL598375) He_pwd_0137G01_M13R Heliconius erato pooled wing ... 48 2e-06 3
(ES891339) LET027F7_2005-10-03_1/LET027F7_D08_1 Solanum lyco... 62 2e-06 2
(DB723282) Solanum lycopersicum cDNA, clone: LEFL2043D06, 5'... 62 2e-06 3
(BG595547) EST494225 cSTS Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone cSTS1... 54 2e-06 2
(BG599860) EST504755 cSTS Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone cSTS2... 54 2e-06 2
(CX699451) 86025.1 Stolon Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone 86025... 54 2e-06 2
(BI178701) EST519646 cSTE Solanum tuberosum cDNA clone cSTE1... 54 2e-06 2
(EK438285) 1095521143614 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-31-01-01-1... 46 2e-06 3
(EJ676100) 1092955081917 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-30-02-01-1... 56 2e-06 2
(ES888920) NBT082_2007-03-08/NBT082_F06_019_1 Nicotiana bent... 64 2e-06 2
(ES888308) NBT070_2007-01-30_1/NBT070_D06_021_1 Nicotiana be... 64 2e-06 2
(CK247477) EST731114 potato callus cDNA library, normalized ... 54 2e-06 2
(CK262652) EST708730 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 54 2e-06 2
(CV301577) MM10_B02 Young roots probed with 3 week old root ... 42 2e-06 3
(CO502376) 59632.1 In vitro Root Solanum tuberosum cDNA clon... 54 2e-06 2
(GE353707) 289173983 Nasonia vitripennis Male Pupae Nasonia ... 36 2e-06 4
(CK265970) EST712048 potato abiotic stress cDNA library Sola... 54 2e-06 2
(ER516743) 1093015522017 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-35-01-01-1... 38 3e-06 5
(CV885176) UCRCS04_2_013B02_T7 Ruby Orange Developing Flower... 52 3e-06 3
(DR685326) EST1075403 Normalized pine embryo library, Lib_D ... 38 3e-06 4
(EX935661) li21g02.g7 Ginkgo male leaf (NYBG) Ginkgo biloba ... 38 3e-06 4
(DY281341) IC0AAA53CF12RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(DT606321) ACAG-aaa31d07.g1 Hydra_EST_UCI-9 Hydra magnipapil... 36 3e-06 5
(DY281584) IC0AAA54BD11RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(DY271852) IC0AAA2CB09RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5', ... 52 3e-06 3
(DY297940) IC0AAA94AG04RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(EJ836993) 1093017664432 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-30-02-01-1... 42 3e-06 4
(EV425663) 210742422 NVP Nasonia vitripennis cDNA clone 199I... 36 3e-06 4
(DY298753) IC0AAA96BG07RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(DY278080) IC0AAA45CE08RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(DY299345) IC0AAA98AE04RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 3e-06 3
(AC183923) Medicago truncatula chromosome 2 clone mth2-88a15... 50 4e-06 5
(DY289510) IC0AAA72CB08RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 4e-06 3
(EJ422266) 1093012239183 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-28-01-01-1... 66 4e-06 1
(CK852424) 12896 Stolon Solanum tuberosum cDNA, mRNA sequence. 48 4e-06 2
(AW616686) EST323097 L. hirsutum trichome, Cornell Universit... 48 4e-06 2
(BG134770) EST467662 tomato crown gall Solanum lycopersicum ... 48 4e-06 2
(EL573238) Physarum14229 Physarum polycephalum starvation st... 46 4e-06 2
(BE459556) EST414848 tomato developing/immature green fruit ... 42 5e-06 3
(BP185239) Dugesia japonica cDNA, clone: 04149_HH, expressed... 46 5e-06 2
(BI264893) NF109B08PL1F1073 Phosphate starved leaf Medicago ... 50 5e-06 3
(DY277829) IC0AAA44DG09RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 5e-06 3
(DY276370) IC0AAA40DH03RM1 CitNFL Citrus clementina cDNA 5',... 52 5e-06 3
(EJ472299) 1095403417797 Global-Ocean-Sampling_GS-28-01-01-1... 38 5e-06 5

>(BJ346517) Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA clone:dda24n05, 3' end,
single read.
Length = 750

Score = 1433 bits (723), Expect(2) = 0.0
Identities = 723/723 (100%)
Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 686 tgatatggcacatattagtggtatggtcgcaggtaaacaagcaatttcacctttcctttt 745
Sbjct: 750 tgatatggcacatattagtggtatggtcgcaggtaaacaagcaatttcacctttcctttt 691

Query: 746 ctgtgatgttgtaaccacaaccacccataaaactttaagaggtccacgtgctggtcttat 805
Sbjct: 690 ctgtgatgttgtaaccacaaccacccataaaactttaagaggtccacgtgctggtcttat 631

Query: 806 ctttttcagaaagactaaacgtagagatgccaaaggtaacatcatcgatgatgacctcga 865
Sbjct: 630 ctttttcagaaagactaaacgtagagatgccaaaggtaacatcatcgatgatgacctcga 571

Query: 866 aaatagaattaactttgcagttttcccatcttgtcaaggtggtccacacgaaaatactat 925
Sbjct: 570 aaatagaattaactttgcagttttcccatcttgtcaaggtggtccacacgaaaatactat 511

Query: 926 cgctggtattgctgtcgctttgaaggaagcctcatctccagatttccaagaatatactaa 985
Sbjct: 510 cgctggtattgctgtcgctttgaaggaagcctcatctccagatttccaagaatatactaa 451

Query: 986 acaagtcagaagaaactctcaaaccatgggcgaagaactcaaaaagagaggttattcact 1045
Sbjct: 450 acaagtcagaagaaactctcaaaccatgggcgaagaactcaaaaagagaggttattcact 391

Query: 1046 cgtaaccgaaggtaccgataatcatttagttctttgggatcttagaccacaaggtatcac 1105
Sbjct: 390 cgtaaccgaaggtaccgataatcatttagttctttgggatcttagaccacaaggtatcac 331

Query: 1106 tggcagtaaaattgaaaaggcttgtgacgaagctcatatcactgtaaataaaaatgctgt 1165
Sbjct: 330 tggcagtaaaattgaaaaggcttgtgacgaagctcatatcactgtaaataaaaatgctgt 271

Query: 1166 ctatggtgatacaaatgcaatcgctcctggtggtgtacgtttaggtgctcctgctctcac 1225
Sbjct: 270 ctatggtgatacaaatgcaatcgctcctggtggtgtacgtttaggtgctcctgctctcac 211

Query: 1226 aagcagaggtctcaaagaacaagactttgttaaagtcgtcgatttcttagatcgtgtcgt 1285
Sbjct: 210 aagcagaggtctcaaagaacaagactttgttaaagtcgtcgatttcttagatcgtgtcgt 151

Query: 1286 taaaatctctttagatatccaatcaaaagttggtaagaaaatgccagatttccaaagagc 1345
Sbjct: 150 taaaatctctttagatatccaatcaaaagttggtaagaaaatgccagatttccaaagagc 91

Query: 1346 aatcgctgataatcaagatttaaaacaaattagacaagaagttaaagaattctctactaa 1405
Sbjct: 90 aatcgctgataatcaagatttaaaacaaattagacaagaagttaaagaattctctactaa 31

Query: 1406 att 1408
Sbjct: 30 att 28

Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect(2) = 0.0
Identities = 15/15 (100%)
Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1423 aattataaaataaaa 1437
Sbjct: 15 aattataaaataaaa 1

Lambda K H
1.37 0.711 1.31

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Number of Sequences: 98226423
Number of Hits to DB: 1,754,337,221
Number of extensions: 107446851
Number of successful extensions: 9204189
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 1595
Length of query: 1454
Length of database: 98,766,808,389
Length adjustment: 24
Effective length of query: 1430
Effective length of database: 96,409,374,237
Effective search space: 137865405158910
Effective search space used: 137865405158910
X1: 11 (21.8 bits)
S2: 22 (44.1 bits)

protein update 2009. 7.16
Homology vs Protein
Query= Contig-U15526-1 (Contig-U15526-1Q) /CSM_Contig/Contig-U15526-1Q.Seq.d
(1454 letters)

Database: nrp_B
3,236,559 sequences; 1,051,180,864 total letters


Score E
Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value

EF150637_1(EF150637|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxy... 303 e-151
EF150642_1(EF150642|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxy... 308 e-150
CS497866_1(CS497866|pid:none) Sequence 139 from Patent WO2007011... 304 e-150
AF361589_1(AF361589|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana AT4g13930/dl3... 303 e-149
CS497872_1(CS497872|pid:none) Sequence 145 from Patent WO2007011... 303 e-149
AK101088_1(AK101088|pid:none) Oryza sativa Japonica Group cDNA c... 297 e-149
CS497728_1(CS497728|pid:none) Sequence 1 from Patent WO2007011736. 303 e-149
GN104744_1(GN104744|pid:none) Sequence 9525 from Patent WO200903... 300 e-147
CS497860_1(CS497860|pid:none) Sequence 133 from Patent WO2007011... 300 e-147
GN104742_1(GN104742|pid:none) Sequence 9523 from Patent WO200903... 300 e-147
BT070546_1(BT070546|pid:none) Picea sitchensis clone WS02735_F19... 302 e-147
GN104718_1(GN104718|pid:none) Sequence 9499 from Patent WO200903... 287 e-146
CS497862_1(CS497862|pid:none) Sequence 135 from Patent WO2007011... 294 e-146
AL035528_28(AL035528|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA chromoso... 288 e-144
AE017350_40(AE017350|pid:none) Cryptococcus neoformans var. neof... 294 e-143
CR954203_91(CR954203|pid:none) Ostreococcus tauri strain OTTH059... 290 e-142
CP001142_337(CP001142|pid:none) Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCAP 1... 269 e-141
CP000583_93(CP000583|pid:none) Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901 ... 281 e-140
AY669085_1(AY669085|pid:none) Toxoplasma gondii strain RH serine... 261 e-137
BC085331_1(BC085331|pid:none) Rattus norvegicus serine hydroxyme... 259 e-136
BC004825_1(BC004825|pid:none) Mus musculus serine hydroxymethylt... 259 e-136
AK012355_1(AK012355|pid:none) Mus musculus 11 days embryo whole ... 259 e-136
(P34897) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 258 e-136
AK315916_1(AK315916|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ78815 comple... 258 e-136
AK223555_1(AK223555|pid:none) Homo sapiens mRNA for serine hydro... 256 e-135
B46746(B46746) glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC pre... 256 e-135
AK296183_1(AK296183|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ58535 complet... 255 e-135
(Q3SZ20) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 255 e-134
A33696(A33696)glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC, mit... 254 e-134
CR954219_30(CR954219|pid:none) Ostreococcus tauri strain OTTH059... 253 e-134
CP001331_74(CP001331|pid:none) Micromonas sp. RCC299 chromosome ... 256 e-134
(P14519) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 254 e-133
EF150640_1(EF150640|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxy... 270 e-133
CP000600_260(CP000600|pid:none) Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901... 266 e-133
CR857364_1(CR857364|pid:none) Pongo abelii mRNA; cDNA DKFZp469E1... 250 e-133
BC066496_1(BC066496|pid:none) Danio rerio serine hydroxymethyltr... 261 e-132
AY850381_1(AY850381|pid:none) Danio rerio serine hydroxymethyltr... 261 e-132
CP000596_241(CP000596|pid:none) Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901... 249 e-132
EF150641_1(EF150641|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxy... 262 e-132
BC055527_1(BC055527|pid:none) Danio rerio serine hydroxymethyltr... 261 e-132
EU972551_1(EU972551|pid:none) Zea mays clone 383353 serine hydro... 251 e-131
(Q60V73) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 264 e-131
(P50432) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 260 e-131
B88483(B88483) protein mel-32 [imported] - Caenorhabditis elegan... 260 e-131
EF085123_1(EF085123|pid:none) Picea sitchensis clone WS02710_L01... 247 e-130
CS497796_1(CS497796|pid:none) Sequence 69 from Patent WO20070117... 249 e-130
BT002738_1(BT002738|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana clone C105220... 258 e-130
EF150645_1(EF150645|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine hydroxy... 259 e-130
AC021199_4(AC021199|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 ... 258 e-130
CP001334_173(CP001334|pid:none) Micromonas sp. RCC299 chromosome... 246 e-130
AM494965_256(AM494965|pid:none) Leishmania braziliensis chromoso... 250 e-130
CS497740_1(CS497740|pid:none) Sequence 13 from Patent WO20070117... 244 e-129
AL034567_22(AL034567|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA chromoso... 244 e-129
AF375450_1(AF375450|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana AT4g32520/F8B... 244 e-129
DQ311410_1(DQ311410|pid:none) Bombyx mori serine hydroxymethyltr... 253 e-128
CP001325_300(CP001325|pid:none) Micromonas sp. RCC299 chromosome... 290 e-128
AC117988_17(AC117988|pid:none) Oryza sativa chromosome 3 BAC OSJ... 244 e-128
CS497746_1(CS497746|pid:none) Sequence 19 from Patent WO20070117... 245 e-128
CR954214_280(CR954214|pid:none) Ostreococcus tauri strain OTTH05... 249 e-127
EF150643_1(EF150643|pid:none) Populus tremuloides mitochondrial ... 241 e-127
EF148263_1(EF148263|pid:none) Populus trichocarpa x Populus delt... 241 e-127
AK010439_1(AK010439|pid:none) Mus musculus ES cells cDNA, RIKEN ... 250 e-126
AY189738_1(AY189738|pid:none) Leishmania donovani serine hydroxy... 247 e-126
EF148390_1(EF148390|pid:none) Populus trichocarpa x Populus delt... 239 e-126
(P34896) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 251 e-126
AL596215_4(AL596215|pid:none) Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP23... 250 e-126
EF150638_1(EF150638|pid:none) Populus tremuloides mitochondrial ... 239 e-126
(P35623) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 249 e-126
CT005266_244(CT005266|pid:none) Leishmania major strain Friedlin... 247 e-126
(P49358) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2, mitoch... 241 e-125
AK223552_1(AK223552|pid:none) Homo sapiens mRNA for serine hydro... 251 e-125
(P50431) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 246 e-125
CR926419_1(CR926419|pid:none) Xenopus tropicalis finished cDNA, ... 254 e-125
BC112563_1(BC112563|pid:none) Bos taurus serine hydroxymethyltra... 244 e-124
(Q5E9P9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 244 e-124
CT005253_136(CT005253|pid:none) Leishmania major strain Friedlin... 235 e-124
(Q5RFK5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 245 e-123
CU928171_776(CU928171|pid:none) Kluyveromyces thermotolerans str... 252 e-122
A42241(A42241) glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC, cy... 248 e-122
AM920428_501(AM920428|pid:none) Penicillium chrysogenum Wisconsi... 233 e-119
FM992693_343(FM992693|pid:none) Candida dubliniensis CD36 chromo... 243 e-119
GN104288_1(GN104288|pid:none) Sequence 9069 from Patent WO200903... 243 e-118
(O13426) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 243 e-118
GN104276_1(GN104276|pid:none) Sequence 9057 from Patent WO200903... 228 e-117
GN104270_1(GN104270|pid:none) Sequence 9051 from Patent WO200903... 225 e-116
AJ438779_1(AJ438779|pid:none) Eremothecium gossypii SHM2 gene fo... 236 e-116
(Q6FUP6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 233 e-116
AP006852_308(AP006852|pid:none) Candida albicans genomic DNA, ch... 228 e-116
FN317895_1(FN317895|pid:none) Schistosoma japonicum isolate Anhu... 221 e-116
AM270102_1(AM270102|pid:none) Aspergillus niger contig An05c0020... 224 e-116
CP000500_566(CP000500|pid:none) Pichia stipitis CBS 6054 chromos... 224 e-116
CP000497_284(CP000497|pid:none) Pichia stipitis CBS 6054 chromos... 235 e-115
EF676750_1(EF676750|pid:none) Picea sitchensis clone WS02750_L18... 233 e-115
CU928178_124(CU928178|pid:none) Zygosaccharomyces rouxii strain ... 233 e-114
BC091501_1(BC091501|pid:none) Homo sapiens serine hydroxymethylt... 258 e-113
BC022874_1(BC022874|pid:none) Homo sapiens serine hydroxymethylt... 251 e-113
CR940347_799(CR940347|pid:none) Theileria annulata strain Ankara... 218 e-113
AM462035_1(AM462035|pid:none) Vitis vinifera contig VV78X021083.... 234 e-112
(Q6CLQ5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 230 e-111
CU928180_430(CU928180|pid:none) Kluyveromyces thermotolerans str... 233 e-111
GN104268_1(GN104268|pid:none) Sequence 9049 from Patent WO200903... 223 e-111
AP007171_779(AP007171|pid:none) Aspergillus oryzae RIB40 genomic... 213 e-111
AF451898_72(AF451898|pid:none) Heliothis zea virus 1, complete g... 216 e-110
(Q7S5N8) RecName: Full=Putative serine hydroxymethyltransferase,... 213 e-108
CU633454_78(CU633454|pid:none) Podospora anserina genomic DNA ch... 212 e-108
(Q6FQ44) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 229 e-108
(Q758F0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 227 e-108
AE014188_341(AE014188|pid:none) Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 chromo... 223 e-105
CS497802_1(CS497802|pid:none) Sequence 75 from Patent WO20070117... 211 e-104
AF439728_1(AF439728|pid:none) Zea mays serine hydroxymethyltrans... 199 e-102
BT039772_1(BT039772|pid:none) Zea mays full-length cDNA clone ZM... 215 e-100
AY387483_1(AY387483|pid:none) Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-gr... 244 e-100
(O62585) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 195 5e-98
EF082716_1(EF082716|pid:none) Picea sitchensis clone WS0297_A18 ... 295 2e-97
AJ005644_4(AJ005644|pid:none) Encephalitozoon cuniculi dhfr, ts,... 192 3e-97
CS497856_1(CS497856|pid:none) Sequence 129 from Patent WO2007011... 252 5e-89
BT052850_1(BT052850|pid:none) Medicago truncatula clone MTYFL_FM... 247 8e-89
AK301339_1(AK301339|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ58288 complet... 206 5e-88
JC4959(JC4959) serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC 2.1.2.-) 2 - ... 246 2e-87
(A6Q478) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 174 4e-86
(Q2S4G9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 181 8e-86
EF554275_1(EF554275|pid:none) Salinibacter ruber isolate P1 glyc... 181 7e-83
(O66776) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 170 3e-82
CP000361_1430(CP000361|pid:none) Arcobacter butzleri RM4018, com... 177 4e-82
(Q98A81) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 175 5e-82
CP000361_633(CP000361|pid:none) Arcobacter butzleri RM4018, comp... 176 7e-82
AK295941_1(AK295941|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ58534 complet... 240 7e-82
(B5YFZ0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 176 9e-82
CP001337_3355(CP001337|pid:none) Chloroflexus aggregans DSM 9485... 172 3e-81
(B1I6M4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 6e-81
CS497732_1(CS497732|pid:none) Sequence 5 from Patent WO2007011736. 242 6e-81
CP000975_1663(CP000975|pid:none) Methylacidiphilum infernorum V4... 172 8e-81
(Q3A934) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 179 2e-80
(Q8R887) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 4e-80
CS497864_1(CS497864|pid:none) Sequence 137 from Patent WO2007011... 301 4e-80
CS497738_1(CS497738|pid:none) Sequence 11 from Patent WO20070117... 301 4e-80
CS497762_1(CS497762|pid:none) Sequence 35 from Patent WO20070117... 301 4e-80
BT062258_1(BT062258|pid:none) Zea mays full-length cDNA clone ZM... 301 4e-80
CS497858_1(CS497858|pid:none) Sequence 131 from Patent WO2007011... 301 4e-80
CS497758_1(CS497758|pid:none) Sequence 31 from Patent WO20070117... 300 7e-80
(Q7VFL1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 1e-79
(A0M3N2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 1e-79
CS497750_1(CS497750|pid:none) Sequence 23 from Patent WO20070117... 299 1e-79
AE000513_37(AE000513|pid:none) Deinococcus radiodurans R1 chromo... 169 2e-79
(Q9RYB2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 2e-79
CP000916_1864(CP000916|pid:none) Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359... 171 3e-79
CP000820_2472(CP000820|pid:none) Frankia sp. EAN1pec, complete g... 171 3e-79
(A2C090) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 171 5e-79
(Q8KC36) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 161 9e-79
(Q1GGA4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 172 9e-79
L23928_3(L23928|pid:none) Homo sapiens serine hydroxymethyltrans... 251 9e-79
(A8GPR4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 172 2e-78
(B5RMF3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 172 2e-78
CP001279_859(CP001279|pid:none) Nautilia profundicola AmH, compl... 170 2e-78
(Q7V4U3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 168 2e-78
(A7I3S9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 2e-78
(Q46HB6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 2e-78
(Q7VDS8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 3e-78
(Q30P60) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 171 4e-78
(B5RPU9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 170 6e-78
(B2A3H6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 171 6e-78
(Q92QU6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 174 8e-78
(Q5SI56) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 171 1e-77
(A5CCC4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 1e-77
GN104420_1(GN104420|pid:none) Sequence 9201 from Patent WO200903... 159 1e-77
(A9BIK8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 1e-77
(B7KD38) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 2e-77
(A2CCJ3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 2e-77
(B3QPR3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 2e-77
(Q9WZH9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 2e-77
JC4958(JC4958) serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC 2.1.2.-) 1 - ... 246 3e-77
CP000951_2389(CP000951|pid:none) Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002, com... 168 5e-77
(Q5LD58) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 5e-77
AM181176_5533(AM181176|pid:none) Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 c... 171 7e-77
AK071541_1(AK071541|pid:none) Oryza sativa Japonica Group cDNA c... 290 7e-77
(Q7U9J7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 9e-77
(Q31RK5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 1e-76
(A5GIG4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 159 1e-76
(B7JYG9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 168 1e-76
(B2S0U9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 1e-76
CP000680_752(CP000680|pid:none) Pseudomonas mendocina ymp, compl... 166 1e-76
(A0LV49) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 1e-76
(Q72IH2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 1e-76
(Q11NZ7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 2e-76
(A7HJ69) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 2e-76
(Q01QZ0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 160 3e-76
(Q7V335) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 3e-76
CP000618_3(CP000618|pid:none) Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4 plas... 162 3e-76
(A4VI36) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 4e-76
(A9KSH6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 4e-76
CP000680_1334(CP000680|pid:none) Pseudomonas mendocina ymp, comp... 171 5e-76
(A6Q7H8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 5e-76
AM778915_12(AM778915|pid:none) Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 g... 167 7e-76
(B0JPX8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 7e-76
CP000738_812(CP000738|pid:none) Sinorhizobium medicae WSM419, co... 169 9e-76
GN104402_1(GN104402|pid:none) Sequence 9183 from Patent WO200903... 166 9e-76
(Q3AW18) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 159 9e-76
(Q5LPA8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 1e-75
CP001191_1168(CP001191|pid:none) Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. tri... 164 1e-75
CT573326_4793(CT573326|pid:none) Pseudomonas entomophila str. L4... 171 1e-75
EU410957_6(EU410957|pid:none) Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique clo... 172 2e-75
CP001074_1558(CP001074|pid:none) Rhizobium etli CIAT 652, comple... 165 2e-75
(Q1CUX5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 2e-75
(Q5FNK4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 2e-75
CP001472_2709(CP001472|pid:none) Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC ... 159 2e-75
(A6LKU9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 2e-75
(A6GXG2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 159 2e-75
(A1APU0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 2e-75
GN104244_1(GN104244|pid:none) Sequence 9025 from Patent WO200903... 165 3e-75
(Q8UG75) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 165 3e-75
(Q4UK96) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 3e-75
(Q3K5K9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 3; ... 169 3e-75
(Q74CR5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 160 3e-75
(Q183G0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 173 3e-75
(B2U7G7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 4e-75
(B6JPT2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 4e-75
FP312974_16(FP312974|pid:none) uncultured bacterial clone magm95... 157 4e-75
(Q2KA25) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 5e-75
(A5GWH2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 5e-75
(Q8Z2Z9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 172 5e-75
CP000249_613(CP000249|pid:none) Frankia sp. CcI3, complete genom... 164 5e-75
(Q88R12) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 169 5e-75
(B0SEF8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 168 5e-75
(Q1J1W0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 5e-75
(Q6MLK1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 160 6e-75
AM933172_3879(AM933172|pid:none) Salmonella enterica subsp. ente... 171 8e-75
CP000386_1629(CP000386|pid:none) Rubrobacter xylanophilus DSM 99... 161 8e-75
(Q31CS4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 8e-75
(Q8Y1G1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 164 8e-75
(B8E008) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 177 8e-75
(A5I526) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 8e-75
(B3QUG2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 159 1e-74
(A8F595) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 161 1e-74
CP000744_6118(CP000744|pid:none) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7, com... 167 1e-74
(Q9HVI7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 3; ... 166 1e-74
(Q17YS0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 1e-74
(Q111H1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 161 1e-74
(Q0SMQ5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 169 1e-74
(A7HDY8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 161 1e-74
(A7GGI2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 1e-74
CP000744_2771(CP000744|pid:none) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7, com... 170 2e-74
CP001393_995(CP001393|pid:none) Anaerocellum thermophilum DSM 67... 172 2e-74
(Q1MS11) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 168 2e-74
CP001071_1603(CP001071|pid:none) Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BA... 167 2e-74
(Q1MIU5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 2e-74
(B7J2G3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 2e-74
(Q9HTE9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 167 2e-74
CP000438_5735(CP000438|pid:none) Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA... 167 2e-74
(A0RQ16) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 2e-74
CP000362_1079(CP000362|pid:none) Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 1... 167 3e-74
(A5EVR7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 3e-74
FM209186_4987(FM209186|pid:none) Pseudomonas aeruginosa LESB58 c... 165 3e-74
CP000949_4487(CP000949|pid:none) Pseudomonas putida W619, comple... 159 3e-74
(A9NEA9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 165 3e-74
(B2KER5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 4e-74
(Q4K5R9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 160 4e-74
(B2US14) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 4e-74
(B5YDB7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 176 4e-74
(B2TN52) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 4e-74
(B2V398) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 4e-74
(Q2NIT8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 5e-74
CP000680_4104(CP000680|pid:none) Pseudomonas mendocina ymp, comp... 165 7e-74
CP000926_697(CP000926|pid:none) Pseudomonas putida GB-1, complet... 159 7e-74
(P56089) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 7e-74
(B1IJJ8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 7e-74
(Q3IZN2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 8e-74
CP000577_2463(CP000577|pid:none) Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17... 167 8e-74
GN104424_1(GN104424|pid:none) Sequence 9205 from Patent WO200903... 164 8e-74
CT573213_1091(CT573213|pid:none) Frankia alni str. ACN14A chromo... 162 8e-74
CP000744_5179(CP000744|pid:none) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7, com... 163 8e-74
(Q4ZM83) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 166 1e-73
CP001144_4077(CP001144|pid:none) Salmonella enterica subsp. ente... 171 1e-73
CP000830_817(CP000830|pid:none) Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12, c... 167 1e-73
CP001229_1444(CP001229|pid:none) Sulfurihydrogenibium azorense A... 159 1e-73
(Q9I138) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 169 1e-73
(Q1LU81) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 1e-73
(A7ZFA4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 1e-73
CP000815_487(CP000815|pid:none) Paulinella chromatophora chromat... 154 2e-73
(B3E1Z8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 2e-73
CP001087_3090(CP001087|pid:none) Desulfobacterium autotrophicum ... 155 2e-73
CP000932_469(CP000932|pid:none) Campylobacter lari RM2100, compl... 155 2e-73
(Q9A8J6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 167 2e-73
CP001340_1417(CP001340|pid:none) Caulobacter crescentus NA1000, ... 167 2e-73
(Q88AD1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 164 2e-73
(A4ITJ9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 156 2e-73
(A8FKI9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 2e-73
(B3CM26) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 156 3e-73
AM181176_5214(AM181176|pid:none) Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 c... 159 3e-73
(A7H4X6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 3e-73
(A4SFY3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 4e-73
(Q4K4P6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 165 4e-73
CP001390_2590(CP001390|pid:none) Geobacter sp. FRC-32, complete ... 160 4e-73
(Q391K1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 157 4e-73
(A1TYW8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 4e-73
(A4SVI6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 4e-73
CP000352_2667(CP000352|pid:none) Ralstonia metallidurans CH34, c... 158 5e-73
(Q3Z9B9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 156 5e-73
(B1XTC3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 5e-73
CS497830_1(CS497830|pid:none) Sequence 103 from Patent WO2007011... 159 5e-73
(B2IJJ3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 7e-73
(Q73GC3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 7e-73
(Q031D7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 7e-73
(A1VYC2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 7e-73
(B3EFN5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 9e-73
(Q2IWS4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 160 9e-73
(Q3ZZG3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 1e-72
(Q0APF8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 161 2e-72
GN104392_1(GN104392|pid:none) Sequence 9173 from Patent WO200903... 164 2e-72
(B2V9M1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 2e-72
(A5FS31) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 2e-72
CP001189_3279(CP001189|pid:none) Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicu... 161 2e-72
BX571966_561(BX571966|pid:none) Burkholderia pseudomallei strain... 159 2e-72
(Q39A26) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 160 2e-72
(Q2KV15) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 2e-72
AB237163_95(AB237163|pid:none) Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidi... 157 2e-72
(Q48DU7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 156 2e-72
(A1TRH1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 2e-72
(B1V975) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 2e-72
AP010904_1492(AP010904|pid:none) Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1 D... 160 3e-72
EU975853_1(EU975853|pid:none) Zea mays clone 503130 serine hydro... 275 3e-72
(Q6G3L3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 3e-72
(Q2NAR9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 159 3e-72
(Q7WPH6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 155 3e-72
(Q7VUW7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 4e-72
CP000459_1905(CP000459|pid:none) Burkholderia cenocepacia HI2424... 160 5e-72
CU466930_717(CU466930|pid:none) Candidatus Cloacamonas acidamino... 158 5e-72
CP001053_1052(CP001053|pid:none) Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN ... 164 5e-72
CP000959_1988(CP000959|pid:none) Burkholderia cenocepacia MC0-3 ... 160 5e-72
(Q72PY2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 163 5e-72
(Q8YGG7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 6e-72
(B2S513) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 6e-72
CP000615_627(CP000615|pid:none) Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4 ch... 153 6e-72
(B0S1N3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 6e-72
(A7GX48) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 6e-72
(Q8EM73) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 6e-72
CP000441_1273(CP000441|pid:none) Burkholderia ambifaria AMMD chr... 160 8e-72
CP001104_548(CP001104|pid:none) Eubacterium eligens ATCC 27750, ... 158 8e-72
CP000379_297(CP000379|pid:none) Burkholderia cenocepacia AU 1054... 159 1e-71
(A5EKI3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 1e-71
(Q6N693) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 162 1e-71
CP001275_728(CP001275|pid:none) Thermomicrobium roseum DSM 5159,... 154 1e-71
(A6T0T6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 1e-71
(Q5KUI2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 1e-71
(Q7NYI8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 1e-71
(A0LI16) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 1e-71
AP009384_1261(AP009384|pid:none) Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 57... 165 2e-71
(B0CL90) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 2e-71
(Q6LHN7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 166 2e-71
(Q5NN85) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 2e-71
(Q46RR4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 159 2e-71
CP000820_1000(CP000820|pid:none) Frankia sp. EAN1pec, complete g... 155 2e-71
(Q129K3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 2e-71
CP000271_1411(CP000271|pid:none) Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 c... 160 2e-71
CP001026_1891(CP001026|pid:none) Burkholderia ambifaria MC40-6 c... 158 2e-71
(B3R0G5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 2e-71
CT573213_5798(CT573213|pid:none) Frankia alni str. ACN14A chromo... 153 2e-71
CP000884_4937(CP000884|pid:none) Delftia acidovorans SPH-1, comp... 160 2e-71
(B8FJ72) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 2e-71
BT045792_1(BT045792|pid:none) Salmo salar clone ssal-rgf-531-152... 272 3e-71
CP000378_319(CP000378|pid:none) Burkholderia cenocepacia AU 1054... 154 3e-71
(B4S5Y9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 3e-71
(A0PZX4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 3e-71
CP000124_3199(CP000124|pid:none) Burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b... 155 4e-71
CP000390_1125(CP000390|pid:none) Mesorhizobium sp. BNC1, complet... 156 4e-71
(A5UQB7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 4e-71
CP000572_3188(CP000572|pid:none) Burkholderia pseudomallei 1106a... 155 4e-71
(Q7ND67) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 156 5e-71
(Q474L3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 153 5e-71
(A0B8J6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 5e-71
CP001358_1596(CP001358|pid:none) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans sub... 152 5e-71
(B5ELV3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 5e-71
(A9MAE5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 158 6e-71
(Q38WJ7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 6e-71
AM747720_3203(AM747720|pid:none) Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 ... 152 6e-71
(Q46A52) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 6e-71
(Q983B6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 155 8e-71
AP008230_4927(AP008230|pid:none) Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y5... 155 8e-71
(Q24MM6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 8e-71
CP001336_4751(CP001336|pid:none) Desulfitobacterium hafniense DC... 155 8e-71
(Q39J72) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 3; ... 152 8e-71
CS497776_1(CS497776|pid:none) Sequence 49 from Patent WO20070117... 155 8e-71
(Q831F9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 155 8e-71
GN104754_1(GN104754|pid:none) Sequence 9535 from Patent WO200903... 270 1e-70
CP000086_1365(CP000086|pid:none) Burkholderia thailandensis E264... 155 1e-70
AP009385_647(AP009385|pid:none) Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17... 152 1e-70
(A8ZTV3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 1e-70
(Q87I03) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 161 2e-70
CP000441_1975(CP000441|pid:none) Burkholderia ambifaria AMMD chr... 149 2e-70
CP000774_2892(CP000774|pid:none) Parvibaculum lavamentivorans DS... 161 2e-70
(Q0TP32) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 2e-70
(A9IVC5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 162 3e-70
AM295250_1607(AM295250|pid:none) Staphylococcus carnosus subsp. ... 158 3e-70
CP000254_20(CP000254|pid:none) Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1, c... 151 4e-70
CP001349_3269(CP001349|pid:none) Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2... 161 5e-70
CP000440_679(CP000440|pid:none) Burkholderia ambifaria AMMD chro... 150 5e-70
(Q04FR7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 5e-70
CP000790_1233(CP000790|pid:none) Vibrio harveyi ATCC BAA-1116 ch... 162 7e-70
(A5G0E0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 7e-70
(A1VRC8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 150 7e-70
CP001638_3011(CP001638|pid:none) Geobacillus sp. WCH70, complete... 152 7e-70
AK297173_1(AK297173|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ58585 complet... 258 7e-70
(Q3IRX5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 9e-70
(Q0AUC3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 148 9e-70
(Q6G009) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 164 1e-69
CP001348_1643(CP001348|pid:none) Clostridium cellulolyticum H10,... 158 1e-69
(Q0SRQ2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 1e-69
CP001562_1022(CP001562|pid:none) Bartonella grahamii as4aup, com... 159 2e-69
AP008957_3914(AP008957|pid:none) Rhodococcus erythropolis PR4 DN... 148 2e-69
(Q1QMB9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 154 2e-69
(A0L403) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 166 2e-69
AE008384_442(AE008384|pid:none) Methanosarcina mazei strain Goe1... 152 2e-69
(Q8PZQ0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 2e-69
CT573072_436(CT573072|pid:none) Kuenenia stuttgartiensis genome ... 164 2e-69
BA000038_693(BA000038|pid:none) Vibrio vulnificus YJ016 DNA, chr... 156 3e-69
(B1LZ88) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 157 3e-69
(Q7MEH7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2; ... 156 3e-69
(A3CN08) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 145 3e-69
(Q601P7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 145 3e-69
(Q82UP9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 153 3e-69
CP001339_605(CP001339|pid:none) Thioalkalivibrio sp. HL-EbGR7, c... 151 3e-69
(Q6MS85) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 3e-69
(Q98QM2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 145 3e-69
(Q21V29) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 148 5e-69
CP000300_1675(CP000300|pid:none) Methanococcoides burtonii DSM 6... 144 5e-69
(Q2RFW7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 6e-69
(Q88UT5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 144 6e-69
(Q3SGX5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 144 6e-69
GN104398_1(GN104398|pid:none) Sequence 9179 from Patent WO200903... 145 8e-69
CP000542_4158(CP000542|pid:none) Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01... 150 1e-68
CP000920_944(CP000920|pid:none) Streptococcus pneumoniae P1031, ... 145 1e-68
(B7GMG4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 1e-68
(A1WQP4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 150 1e-68
AF442558_1(AF442558|pid:none) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii serine h... 263 1e-68
CP000555_2929(CP000555|pid:none) Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1,... 157 1e-68
CP001615_1317(CP001615|pid:none) Exiguobacterium sp. AT1b, compl... 152 1e-68
(Q4FLT4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 146 2e-68
(P39148) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 146 2e-68
S30382(S30382)glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC [sim... 149 2e-68
(A1K9B2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 149 3e-68
(B6IMT0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 4e-68
(Q97R16) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 144 4e-68
CP001503_660(CP001503|pid:none) Burkholderia glumae BGR1 chromos... 147 4e-68
AC130600_4(AC130600|pid:none) Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-gr... 261 5e-68
CS497836_1(CS497836|pid:none) Sequence 109 from Patent WO2007011... 145 5e-68
CP001504_287(CP001504|pid:none) Burkholderia glumae BGR1 chromos... 147 6e-68
(A4VUM9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 145 6e-68
(B5E4E3) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 141 6e-68
(Q65DW5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 150 6e-68
(Q8Y4B2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 6e-68
(Q71WN9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 6e-68
(A0ALM4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 150 6e-68
(A7Z9Q9) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 148 8e-68
(Q927V4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 8e-68
(Q8E5C6) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 1e-67
(Q3K122) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 151 1e-67
(Q5M4W1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 143 1e-67
(O86565) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 142 1e-67
CP000780_2177(CP000780|pid:none) Candidatus Methanoregula boonei... 150 1e-67
(Q5HMB0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 1e-67
(P78011) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 149 1e-67
AP009384_3051(AP009384|pid:none) Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 57... 149 2e-67
AF373807_1(AF373807|pid:none) Sinorhizobium meliloti serine hydr... 142 2e-67
CP001281_1506(CP001281|pid:none) Thauera sp. MZ1T, complete geno... 145 2e-67
(Q03L77) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 143 2e-67
(B8DJF7) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 149 2e-67
BC079680_1(BC079680|pid:none) Xenopus laevis MGC79128 protein, m... 258 4e-67
BA000040_5912(BA000040|pid:none) Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 1... 150 4e-67
CP000918_1006(CP000918|pid:none) Streptococcus pneumoniae 70585,... 140 4e-67
(Q18GK0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 141 7e-67
(Q9K6G4) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 152 9e-67
CP000386_462(CP000386|pid:none) Rubrobacter xylanophilus DSM 994... 142 1e-66
(Q1GV11) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 156 1e-66
CP000781_862(CP000781|pid:none) Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2, ... 147 2e-66
CP000562_1824(CP000562|pid:none) Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1, ... 151 2e-66
CS497834_1(CS497834|pid:none) Sequence 107 from Patent WO2007011... 148 3e-66
(A5IUQ8) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 148 3e-66
BA000026_275(BA000026|pid:none) Mycoplasma penetrans HF-2 DNA, c... 147 5e-66
(Q2YUJ1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 148 5e-66
BC080148_1(BC080148|pid:none) Xenopus tropicalis shmt2 protein, ... 254 7e-66
(B1ZJN1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 8e-66
FJ973618_1(FJ973618|pid:none) Methylobacterium sp. MB200 serine ... 147 1e-65
(Q7UQN2) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 139 1e-65
(Q49Z60) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 142 2e-65
(Q03QY0) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 141 2e-65
CS497854_1(CS497854|pid:none) Sequence 127 from Patent WO2007011... 252 2e-65
(P50435) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 146 2e-65
CP000442_186(CP000442|pid:none) Burkholderia ambifaria AMMD chro... 152 2e-65
(P07511) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosoli... 252 3e-65
AK302834_1(AK302834|pid:none) Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ60988 complet... 251 5e-65
(Q9SZJ5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochon... 251 5e-65
CP000389_152(CP000389|pid:none) Mesorhizobium sp. BNC1 plasmid 1... 148 5e-65
(A8FIC1) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 141 6e-65
CP000910_1700(CP000910|pid:none) Renibacterium salmoninarum ATCC... 138 8e-65
(B1MYF5) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 140 8e-65
CP001341_531(CP001341|pid:none) Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6... 136 2e-64
CP000283_2297(CP000283|pid:none) Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB... 147 3e-64
(P59953) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1; ... 139 4e-64
(Q5WB66) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 147 4e-64
(Q03Y25) RecName: Full=Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; ... 137 5e-64
AY035117_1(AY035117|pid:none) Arabidopsis thaliana putative glyc... 246 1e-63

>EF150637_1(EF150637|pid:none) Populus tremuloides serine
hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT1) mRNA, complete cds.
Length = 471

Score = 303 bits (777), Expect(2) = e-151
Identities = 142/251 (56%), Positives = 195/251 (77%), Gaps = 2/251 (0%)
Frame = +3




PA+TSRGL E+DF ++ +FL R V I+L IQ + GK + DF + + +N+D++ ++ +V++

Query: 1395 FSTKFGMPGEL 1427
Sbjct: 453 FSGSFDMPGFL 463

Score = 255 bits (652), Expect(2) = e-151
Identities = 123/176 (69%), Positives = 149/176 (84%), Gaps = 2/176 (1%)
Frame = +1




Lambda K H
0.318 0.134 0.401

Lambda K H
0.267 0.0410 0.140

Matrix: BLOSUM62
Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1
Number of Sequences: 3236559
Number of Hits to DB: 2,446,253,038
Number of extensions: 51044549
Number of successful extensions: 127732
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 854
Number of HSP's gapped: 124752
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 1658
Length of query: 484
Length of database: 1,051,180,864
Length adjustment: 133
Effective length of query: 351
Effective length of database: 620,718,517
Effective search space: 217872199467
Effective search space used: 217872199467
Neighboring words threshold: 12
Window for multiple hits: 40
X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits)
X2: 38 (14.6 bits)
X3: 64 (24.7 bits)
S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
S2: 32 (16.9 bits)


psg: 0.74 gvh: 0.56 alm: 0.41 top: 0.53 tms: 0.00 mit: 0.55 mip: 0.07
nuc: 0.00 erl: 0.00 erm: 0.00 pox: 0.00 px2: 0.00 vac: 0.00 rnp: 0.00
act: 0.00 caa: 0.00 yqr: 0.00 tyr: 0.00 leu: 0.00 gpi: 0.00 myr: 0.00
dna: 0.00 rib: 0.00 bac: 0.00 m1a: 0.00 m1b: 0.00 m2 : 0.00 mNt: 0.00
m3a: 0.00 m3b: 0.00 m_ : 1.00

84.0 %: mitochondrial
12.0 %: nuclear
4.0 %: cytoplasmic

>> prediction for Contig-U15526-1 is mit

VS (DIR, S) 1
VH (FL, L) 0
VF (FL, S) 2
AH (FL, L) 1
AF (FL, S) 10
SL (DIR, L) 0
SS (DIR, S) 0
SH (FL, L) 0
SF (FL, S) 0
CH (FL, L) 0
CF (FL, S) 1
FCL (DIR, L) 0
FC (DIR, S) 1